

Sunday, December 5, 2010

in Dublin still looking out on snow

Is it thawing or not  can i manage to move out today - to wear socks or not (over the boots!)?   Its day 5/6 and this enforced leisure has been interesting - I can affod to say this as the heating has been adequate the TV wasn't interrupted and I had a few painting chores to finish.    Unlike my country associates who's electricity failed and they were down to the last candle!     So despite the inconvenience of restricted movement Im doing ok.

will it ever thaw

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dublin,s fair city.

Between the canals with the river Liffy pretty well  a half way divide -Dublin can we walked in about 1 hour by an averagely good walker.     In that hour you will meet hitory, cultue, shopping to match any city, parks to restore the psychie and pubs to renew the spirits.     Dublin gets the driest weather in all of Ireland and it really is a walkable, browsable enjoyable european city which can be enjoyed in any season.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

saturday 6th

Saturday morning 6th November-so the plot thickens on this present recession – from by-elections/ expected major budgets/ new governments or old?    There is obviously no answer – no one answer.     We are just bungling along from pothole to pothole politically speaking.     I still feel it will, because it must unravel finally.