

Saturday, November 6, 2010

saturday 6th

Saturday morning 6th November-so the plot thickens on this present recession – from by-elections/ expected major budgets/ new governments or old?    There is obviously no answer – no one answer.     We are just bungling along from pothole to pothole politically speaking.     I still feel it will, because it must unravel finally.


  1. All we can do is out best really its out of our hands with Government Ministers too well paid etc

  2. Your post is most uplifting and inspiring. I feel your point about it all unraveling eventually is a knitting analogy which is particularly apt in these days of self sufficiency. We can weave and spin and knit our way out of this recession. Weave a few magic spells, spin a few yarns, and then sleep, for as Shakespere as "tis sleep knits up the raveled sleeve of care". He's never wrong eh?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Claire, eventually, our leaders will get us out of the potholes - in a matter of speaking!

  5. No worries Claire, things may get worse but don't despair as well as potholes there are long tunnels and they may yet see the light.?
