

Saturday, October 30, 2010


  1. Hello Claire. Great to see you on Saturday. So enjoyed our class. Really feel Im learning a lot.

  2. Ok, deadline for Intergenerational Class!
    The recession in the 70's - I don't have a memory of it. I was awaiting the deadline for permitting women to have a morgage in their own name - at interest rates over 13%, and paying tax at 40something% life, financially, was a very refined juggling act. But I ran a car - it was a 20 year old Morris Minor (it never let me down - though occassionally sat down in exhaustion!) as I was in the aviation business holidays were good and, as I had learnt early on that being a Volunteer got me wherever I wanted to be I had great times. In the 80's - Recession? I was busy - my Mother had a stroke that - put the entire family in a caring position and a 'paying' position as caring and nursing homes were expensive. No subventions for us and no tax breaks either! (we were above the 'breadline') They too were good times if extremely busy as normal living did continue.
    So recession - it doesn't frighten me really. I'm hoping that this will be a maturing phase for Irland. I am resiliant I know and I believe that the Irish are sound. It is an opportunity for us, as a people to show what,I know,we can do when we must - and all of that despite our floundering government leader!

  3. Trying to post you a comment. On Anything!!! Tried lots of times. No luck. Maybe this time. Where's your Irel Story???
